This 2-hour bike tour has been conceived for families who travel with kids/teenagers, but also for anyone who wants a safe ride, learns some history and fun facts of the city from a local perspective. The entire tour is done on flat roads, pedestrians areas, parks, and by the seafront.
You'll travel through the century when riding in the narrow streets of Barcelona's old town, witnessing the richness of the city from Roman times to when Barcelona was considered a superpower in the Mediterranean, together with cities like Genova and Venice. Then, you will cross beautiful parks and gardens built for the 1888's World Exhibition, see the famous triumphal arch of Barcelona, and finally, you'll head to the waterfront to observe the impact of the Olympic Games.
You will enjoy an easy ride with the seabreeze and get back to the old town surrounding the old harbor, where lovely boats and big yachts are on display. Your kids will be able to ride at ease and have fun in a secure environment. Your guide will share with you many recommendations for great places to eat and go out with your family.
Please meet the guide by the kid's playground
Lu | Ma | Mi | Ju | Vi | Sa | Do |
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