Discover the ideas and mindset of the important architect Enric Miralles. With Benedetta Tagliabue, he designed one of the most brilliant works of architecture in Barcelona: the refurbishing of Santa Caterina Market. This architecture tour walks you through history, politics, the cultural imagination and the architecture of Barcelona’s Gothic and La Ribera Quarters. The itinerary begins in Roman Barcelona, to continue to the Carolingian era, the post-Franco era, Olympic Barcelona and, finally, the era that created el Forat de la Vergonya (the hole of shame). The walk ends in front of the market, where the guide will talk about Miralles' design methods.
Meet your guide at the letter "O" of the sculpture BARCINO by Joan Brossa in front of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) and beside the Cathedral of Barcelona
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