The origin of this park starts in 1900 when Barcelona was a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis, the engineer Ildefons Cerdà studied in depth the difficulties of the modern city growth, Barcelona expanded very rapidly throughout the second half of the 19th century. Its central area began to take shape as a large bourgeois center. The Universal Exhibition of 1888 promoted the search for a new artistic language and urban representation.
The main architectural feature of the park is based on the art nouveau, this form of art began to spread from Glasgow to Brussels and then to Barcelona recovering former construction techniques such as the Catalan vault (or timbrel vault) and old craft styles, while at the same time taking an interest in the expressive potential of iron.
Walk through Gaudí’s imagination as you pass among the mosaics, vaulted colonnades and bizarre architectural details in Park Güell. You’ll meet 'El Drac', see Barcelona from the panoramic main terrace and spend as much time as you like exploring.
Please be at the meeting point 15 minutes before the departure of the tour.
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