Start your half-day trip from Barcelona in comfortable Bus to the mountain of Montserrat which rises majestically to 4,051 feet (1,236 meters). This Montserrat morning tour lasts about 5 and a half hours and you will be accompanied the whole time by an official tour guide.
Follow your local guide through the site and learn about the history and architectural style of the Monastery. A community of 80 monks currently lives and follow the rule of Saint Benedict in Montserrat. Fall in love with the Gothic and Renaissance details of the basilica and sanctuary. Learn about the legend of the miraculous apparition of the Black Madonna and Child in the cave of Santa Cova. To this day, their woodcarving is kept in the Church of the monastery, which you will be able to visit. The figure is popularly known as La Moreneta (The Black Madonna) as a result of a varnish reaction.
Besides the main area, there are a great number of small churches and trails you can follow. You will be given free time to taste the finest liquors, to visit the basilica and the Black Madonna and get a free gift, to shop for locally produced treats or to visit the audio-visual exhibition once our guided tour finishes.
Julia Travel office, Estació del Nord, ground floor, platform 19
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