Paradox Museum Barcelona Entrance Tickets

Experience the world’s largest collection of paradox-based exhibits with an all-access ticket to the Paradox Museum Barcelona.

With more than 70 amazing exhibitions inspired on paradoxes, Paradox Museum Barcelona is a place to experiment with all the senses, which invites you to ask questions about the world around us, to see reality through altered perceptions and to discover fascinating scientific concepts. In a nutshell, it is a place to live a totally interactive experience where you can discover how the brain and the senses can be deceived by a combination of visual and tactile stimuli.

Follow the signs through a maze of exhibits that are designed to be experienced in a one-way flow system. Get incredible pictures of paradoxes with marked photo points that give you the best shot angle. Enjoy exhibit descriptions that explain 'what to do' and 'what’s going on'.

Scan the QR codes to learn even more and feel free to ask questions to the staff. They can even snap some of your group photos for you. Before returning to reality, visit the Paradox Boutique, to get a unique souvenir.

A destacar
  • Experience the world’s largest collection of paradox-based exhibits
  • Enjoy more than 70 amazing exhibitions inspired on paradoxes
  • Take incredible photos and videos
  • Visit the Paradox Boutique for unique and original items

  • Entrance ticket
  • Permanent exhibition

Que recordar
  • The family ticket is valid for 4 people: 2 adults (13-64) and 2 children (4-12) or 1 adult (13-64) and 3 children (4-12)
  • The student ticket is reserved for all students. A valid student card will have to be presented as proof (Carnet Jove, ISIC, ITIC and IYTC are valid).
  • The disabled ticket option is valid both for people with disabilities and the helper
  • This is a one-way flow experience with signs to follow to each exhibit

Punto de encuentro

Paradox Museum Barcelona

  • Experience the world's largest collection of paradox-based exhibits
  • Enjoy more than 70 amazing exhibitions inspired by paradoxes
  • Visit the Paradox Boutique for unique and original items
  • Take incredible photos and videos of paradoxes

  • Entrance ticket
  • Permanent exhibition

English Spanish
Políticas de devolución
  • Solicitud 24 horas antes de la fecha escogida: 100% del importe de compra
1. Participantes
Paradox Museum Barcelona Reseller | Adulto (13+) 1
Paradox Museum Barcelona Reseller | Niño (4-12) 0
Paradox Museum Barcelona Reseller | Bebés (0-3) 0
2. Selecciona una fecha
Lu Ma Mi Ju Vi Sa Do
3. Comprobar el Pedido
