Discover more about Barcelona by walking through El Born neighbourhood and visiting the Picasso Museum, one of the city’s most important museums and the only one created during the artist’s lifetime.
After checking in for the tour, your guide will bring you to explore El Born, one of the oldest and most historic areas of Barcelona. There you will visit the Arc de Triomf, which was the main entrance to the Universal Exhibition of Barcelona in 1888, before getting to the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, close to which you will also be able to admire Barcelona’s eternal flame. At the end of the walking tour in El Born, you will enter the Picasso Museum together with your guide, who will provide you with all the most important details about Picasso's life and career.
Following the visit to the Picasso Museum, you will arrive at the Cervelló Palace, the historic building where the Moco Museum is located. There you will enter on your own, but you will be able to download an audio-guide on your mobile phone to learn more about the history of each of the renowned and emerging artists, as well as their works.
Check-in at the counter of the Julia Travel office in Estació del Nord, which you will find on the ground floor, close to platform 19. Please be at the meeting point 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the tour.
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