Atlantis Aquarium Madrid is a unique concept of educational and interactive leisure for all ages. It is located in Xanadú shopping and leisure center, 10 minutes from Madrid, its main goal is to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development through learning about aquatic ecosystems and thus promote the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change.
The Atlantis Aquarium is a 50,000 square-foot aquarium that combines the traditional format with plenty of interactive and educational activities through its state-of-the-art facilities. It has 20 aquariums with about 10,000 specimens of 150 species such as the loggerhead sea turtle, the gentoo penguin, the gray shark, tropical fish, coral and jellyfish. Each ecosystem, from the mangroves to the coral reefs through the deep sea, Antarctica and ending in a virtual beach is complemented by various interactive tests that allow you to learn about the sustainable use of water, check the speed or weight of some marine species or stroll on an interactive beach.
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Atlantis Aquarium Madrid
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