The Museo Nacional del Prado holds an exceptionally important collection of Spanish and European works. The royal collection, which represents the foundation of the Museum's holdings as we know it today, started to increase significantly in the 16th century during the time of Charles V and continued to thrive under the succeeding Habsburg and Bourbon Monarchs.
This visit will take you through the Museum on a visit to the most important paintings. Admire great European artworks by el Bosco, El Greco, Velazquez, Goya and Rubens. Discover the aim of the original building and why it changed to hold one of the most important art galleries in the world. The current exhibition holds more than 1.000 paintings from four different centuries. Given that for a first-time visitor this can be overwhelming, let your guide show you around the site and learn about some of the most important works and their backstories. Once your guided tour finishes you can stay inside the museum for as long as you wish.
Your guide will meet you by Madrid City Tour Information Center at Felipe IV Street, next to the Prado Museum, where Madrid City Tour red double-decker buses stop.
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