While you are visiting Madrid, you cannot miss Spain’s National Art Museum and Reina Sofía Museum.
At the Prado Museum, you'll learn about the museum’s history as you walk around admiring the artwork inside. You'll experience the Museo del Prado’s huge collection of Italian, Dutch and other international masters, the largest concentration of masterpieces per square meter in the world.
At Madrid’s Reina Sofía Museum, you'll get to see the work from some of Spain’s finest 20th-century artists, including Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí. Your guide will explain 20th-century Spanish art, from abstractionism to cubism, surrealism to modernism. Today, the Reina Sofía Museum holds a large number of works: explore the hallways and galleries with your guide and learn how and why these talented people created their art.
Velazquez Statue, on the side of the Prado's Museum, located in Paseo del Prado, 11, 28014 Madrid.
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