Madrid is a city full of mysteries. Some have already been revealed, others, have not yet. Get to know each one of these mysteries on a tour that, for two hours, will show you "the B side" of the capital of Spain.
After starting in the Plaza de Pontejos you will go to the Plaza de Puerta Cerrada, where we will go back to the medieval times of the city. Later you will go to the Plaza Mayor and will learn about a strange episode that featured a decapitated man and his hat.
In the Plaza de la Villa you will meet the dragon that starred in the "other origin" of Madrid; while, as you pass through Calle del Sacramento, you will visit a beautiful lady who hides a great secret... The Ramales, Isabel II, and Oriente squares and the Encarnación Convent will be the highlight of the tour. A tour in which not even the Holy Inquisition will escape being part of a story that will shed some light on the shadows of Madrid.
The guides will be waiting with Todo Tours umbrellas next to the fountain.
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