Explore the historic cities of Avila and Segovia, travelling from Madrid on a luxury coach tour. See two of the most important cities of central Spain, rich in art, history and beautiful landmarks.
Located northwest of the Spanish capital, Avila is completely encircled by 11th-century walls and is the most ancient and fortified complex in Spain. Here you will see the 90 fortified towers surrounding the old city and its monumental treasures, including a large number of Romanesque-style churches, Gothic palaces and a fortified cathedral from the 12th century.
Afterwards you will head to Segovia. You will be dropped off at the impressive aqueduct where you can admire one of the best remaining examples of Roman engineering. You will see Romanesque churches and the unusual fortress of the Alcázar. Stroll down the streets of the Jewish Quarter, where a number of the city's landmarks can be spotted. Experience the spirituality that led Santa Teresa to found a small convent of Carmelites where the mystic San Juan de la Cruz conducted his first mass.
Look for a red bus.
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