The Museo Nacional del Prado is Spain's most visited museum, and one of the world's finest art galleries. At the Prado Museum, you can see works by the great masters of painting. Nowadays, you can contemplate in the Museum great masterpieces as The Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch, The Nobleman with his hand on his Chest by El Greco, The Holy Family known as The Pearl by Raphael, Emperor Carlos V on Horseback by Titian, The Foot Washing by Tintoretto, Self-portrait by Durër , Las Meninas by Velázquez, The Three Graces by Rubens, and The Family of Carlos IV by Goya.
With this small-group guided tour, you'll discover some selected paintings which will be explained by your guide in English. You'll also have the chance to ask as many questions as you want to the expert guide!
Velazquez Statue, on the side of the Prado's Museum, located in Paseo del Prado. Please be at the meeting point at least 10 minutes before the starting time.
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