Visit a remarkable winery in Don Quixote's land, one of the most popular books in the history of literature thanks to the brilliant work from Miguel de Cervantes.
La Mancha is the the largest surface of vineyard in the world and is also considered as one of the best areas in Spain in order to grow high-quality grapes. Nowadays, some of the best Spanish companies are now opening new wineries in such area and those initiatives are generating a lot of wealth and employment there.
According to the experts, the local producers have been improving its wineries by introducing the latest technological developments within the region they operate, as well as maintaining the oldest ones in order to satisfy the consumers´ needs. La Mancha can be considered as one of the most picturesque areas of Spain for that reason without forgeting other tourist attractions like the medieval town of Toledo, for example. There are also other historic medieval towns and villages you should consider such as Consuegra, Campo de Criptana and La Mota del Cuervo, all of them with amazing windmills, hiking trails and birdwatching facilities.
You will also have lunch at some well-known restaurants where people can taste some typical dishes of this specific area.
Cafeteria of Hotel Claridge, Plaza del Conde de Casal, 6
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