Discover the Valencian interior with its mountainous landscape and its lesser-known and well-preserved historic cities.
Start the tour by visiting Xàtiva, the second city of the old kingdom, full of palaces and heritage, and famous because of its castle on top of the mountain. This is the place where the famous Borgia family was born. You'll go up by car to its castle, which was a state prison and has landscapes and views of more than 80km.
Your next stop will be in Ontinyent, which is an ancient city on the riverside and the old textile capital of the region. The city preserves the medieval quarter, the duchess's palace and a fantastic museum of Moors, Christian festivals and parades that you'll visit.
Finally, you will visit Anna, where you will have the chance to see "The Valencian Alhambra", a palace restored by artisans brought from Morocco, making carvings and art.
Calle de la Blanqueria, 4, 46003 València, Valencia (meeting across Hotel Puerta de Serranos)
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