Traditionelle Flamenco-Show im Tablao Casa Ana in Granada

Experience a traditional flamenco show at Casa Ana Tablao in the Heart of Granada!

Get ready for tradition, emotion, and art combined in a unique performance. Located on Calle Cárcel Alta, just a few steps from the Granada Cathedral, Casa Ana is known for the quality of its artists and the intimate atmosphere it provides. This 1-hour show features bailaores (dancers), cantaores (singers), and guitarists that will make you feel the true flamenco duende. Each performance is enhanced with visual effects and lighting.

A destacar
  • Connect deeply with the authentic spirit of flamenco
  • Enjoy an intimate atmosphere where every performance feels unique
  • Feel the passion and deep connection between the artists and the audience

  • Eintrittsticket
  • Livemusik

No incluye
  • Getränke

Que recordar

Know in advance:

  • General admission seats are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis
  • If you'd like to have your seat reserved, you can select front-row seats at the time of booking


  • The venue is wheelchair accessible
  • Children under 5 cannot attend the show

Punto de encuentro

Show up at the entrance of the venue. Doors open 30 minutes before the start of the performance.

  • Erleben Sie den wahren Geist des Flamenco
  • Genießen Sie eine intime Atmosphäre, in der sich jede Aufführung einzigartig anfühlt
  • Spüren Sie die Leidenschaft und tiefe Verbindung zwischen den Künstlern und dem Publikum

  • Eintrittsticket
  • Livemusik

Not included
  • Getränke

Refund policies
  • Request 24 hours before the selected date: 100% of the purchase amount
1. Participants
Standardeintritt Erwachsene (18+) 1
Standardeintritt Kind (5-12) 0
Erste Reihe Ticket First row of Mezzanine 1 (5+) 0
Erste Reihe Ticket First row of Mezzanine 2 (5+) 0
Erste Reihe Ticket First row of the Orchestra (5+) 0
2. Select a date
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
3. Check the order
