Curso básico de buceo SSI para aspirantes a buceadores certificados

The SSI Basic Diver course serves as the ideal stepping stone between your initial diving experiences and pursuing an official diving certification. It's particularly suited for those who relished their first taste of diving and crave more experience, but perhaps lack the time or necessity to undertake a full Open Water Diver course.

The course begins with online theory, ensuring you grasp the fundamentals of diving. It also ensures you're cognizant of potential risks and how to respond effectively. Following this, you'll embark on two controlled dives. The first dive allows you to savour the thrill of diving, swimming, and floating while performing simple exercises. The second dive focuses more intensively on buoyancy, bolsters your confidence in diving, and lets you appreciate the rich biodiversity along the coastline.

What's more, the entire Basic Diver program can be credited towards either the Scuba Diver or Open Water Dive programs within six months. This means you're already one step closer to advancing your diving adventure.

A destacar
  • Get your first diving certificate with expert guidance
  • Supervision by certified SSI diving instructors ensuring a safe experience
  • A mix of adventure and tranquillity as you experience the nearly weightless sensation underwater
  • Boat ride along the scenic Bay of Pollença and Cape Pinar
  • Discover diverse marine life under professional guidance

  • Visita guiada
  • Gafas de buceo, tubo y aletas
  • Traje de neopreno
  • Indicaciones sobre seguridad
  • Instructor certificado
  • Submarinismo
  • Paseo en lancha motora
  • Seguro

No incluye
  • Comidas y bebidas
  • Traslados de ida y vuelta al hotel
  • Seguro de viaje/salud
  • Toallas

Que recordar

Remember to bring:

  • You'll need to present a valid ID or a copy of your passport

Punto de encuentro

Please be on time at the dive centre. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may be refused entry.

A destacar
  • Obtén tu primer certificado de buceo con guía experta
  • Supervisión por instructores de buceo certificados por SSI que garantizan una experiencia segura.
  • Una mezcla de aventura y tranquilidad mientras experimentas la sensación de casi ingravidez bajo el agua.
  • Paseo en barco por la pintoresca bahía de Pollença y el Cabo Pinar
  • Descubra la diversa vida marina bajo la guía de un profesional.

  • Visita guiada
  • Gafas de buceo, tubo y aletas
  • Traje de neopreno
  • Indicaciones sobre seguridad
  • Instructor certificado
  • Submarinismo
  • Paseo en lancha motora
  • Seguro

No incluye
  • Comidas y bebidas
  • Traslados de ida y vuelta al hotel
  • Seguro de viaje/salud
  • Toallas

Inglés Francés Español Alemán Catalán
Políticas de devolución
  • Solicitud 24 horas antes de la fecha escogida: 100% del importe de compra
1. Participantes
Opción 1 Participante (12-99) 1
2. Selecciona una fecha
Lu Ma Mi Ju Vi Sa Do
3. Comprobar el Pedido
