Sensaciones al Teatro Flamenco di Granada

Immerse yourself in the magic of flamenco in the heart of Granada, where you'll experience the essence of this Andalusian art form with a distinctive intensity.

Granada's rich history and deep-rooted connection to flamenco make it an ideal setting for experiencing the passion that only authentic flamenco can convey. At the Flamenco Theatre in Granada, every note, step, and song will resonate with the power and emotion of the most genuine flamenco. This is a place where tradition meets artistic excellence, promising an unforgettable experience in a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

Discover why Granada is a must-visit destination for flamenco enthusiasts, and allow yourself to be swept away by a performance that lets you feel the soul of Andalusia at every turn.

  • Live the intense essence of Andalusian flamenco art form
  • Experience the rich history and deep-rooted connection to flamenco in Granada
  • Witness the power and emotion of genuine flamenco at the Flamenco Theatre
  • Discover why Granada is a must-visit destination for flamenco enthusiasts
  • Be swept away by a performance that lets you feel the soul of Andalusia

  • Biglietti d'ingresso
  • Drink di benvenuto

What to remember


  • The venue is wheelchair accessible

Know in advance:

  • The performance duration is 60 minutes with no intermission
  • The bar service is available to order up to 5 minutes before the show starts
  • The ticket is not nominative and is transferable
  • The theatre is not responsible for replacing or refunding tickets in the event of loss or theft
  • The theatre reserves the right to modify (date, time and artists) or cancel the scheduled show in the event of technical or artistic problems or reasons beyond its control. In the event of changes made to, or the cancellation of, scheduled shows for reasons attributable to the theatre, the customer has the right to receive a full refund

Meeting point
Teatro Flamenco Granada. Doors open 30 minutes before the performance.
  • Vivi l'essenza intensa dell'arte del flamenco andaluso
  • Scopri la ricca storia e il profondo legame con il flamenco a Granada
  • Scopri la potenza e l'emozione del vero flamenco al Flamenco Theatre
  • Scopri perché Granada è una meta imperdibile per gli amanti del flamenco
  • Lasciati travolgere da uno spettacolo che ti farà sentire l'anima dell'Andalusia

  • Biglietti d'ingresso
  • Drink di benvenuto

Refund policies
  • Request 24 hours before the selected date: 100% of the purchase amount
1. Participantes
Biglietto d'ingresso Adulto (12-99) 1
Biglietto d'ingresso Bambino (6-11) 0
Biglietto d'ingresso Neonato (0-5) 0
2. Selecciona una fecha
Lu Ma Mi Ju Vi Sa Do
3. Comprobar el Pedido
