Visita guidata all'Archivio delle Indie di Siviglia

The visit will begin at the main façade of the Archivo de Indias. Before entering, you will take a brief walk through the building to understand the historical relationship of this building with the monuments that surround it, the Cathedral and the Alcázar of Seville. Later, you will visit the two floors of the Archive of the Indies, and continue by discovering the most important aspects of this World Heritage space.

Learn from a heritage expert, a key place to understand the exciting history of the city of Seville and its relationship with America. Discover that it was not even conceived as an Archive, but was born from a conflict between the Cathedral of Seville and the Merchants and Traders who populated the city in the 16th century.

You will also discover all the uses that were given to this space before it was declared the General Archive of the Indies, and you will see objects and documents of incalculable value that are kept in this place.

  • Get to know this monument from the hand of a Heritage expert
  • Admire a unique building in Seville, declared a world heritage site by UNESCO
  • Discover objects and documents of incalculable value that are kept in this place

  • Biglietti d'ingresso
  • Tour guidato

Meeting point

The guide awaits you in front of the main façade of the Archivo de Indias, next to the fountain.

  • Conosci questo monumento dalla mano di un esperto del patrimonio
  • Ammira un edificio unico a Siviglia, dichiarato patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO
  • Scopri oggetti e documenti di incalcolabile valore custoditi in questo luogo

  • Biglietti d'ingresso
  • Tour guidato

Le lingue
1. Participantes
Attività Adulto (13-99) 1
Attività Bambino (8-12) 0
Attività Neonato (0-7) 0
2. Selecciona una fecha
Lu Ma Mi Ju Vi Sa Do
3. Comprobar el Pedido
